Akhilesh Yadav promises caste census in Uttar Pradesh if voted to power

chief on Wednesday promised to go in for the caste census in if voted to power.

He made the promise alleging that the BJP-led government is fighting shy of conducting it, fearing that the caste census in the country will lead to the backward classes of people demanding their rights and due respect after this.

“The BJP government at the Centre does not want to conduct caste census as it knows that backwards will demand their right and due respect after it. This is the biggest demand of backwards and Dalits,” said in a statement here.

Promising caste census in if his party is voted to power in 2022 assembly polls, Akhilesh said, “We will ensure that backwards get their rights.”

Alleging that the crime rate in UP has grown exponentially, said, “The chief minister lies on the matter of crime and does not have any information on the NCRB data.

The highest number of crimes against women is committed in UP, he asserted.

He also reiterated his charge that veteran SP leader Azam Khan is being kept in jail in false cases.

“Azam Khan has been kept in jail in fake cases, he said, adding maximum custodial deaths in the state have occurred during the present BJP regime.

The CM visits his home district Gorakhpur regularly but crime is rising there, he alleged, adding police beat up a Kanpur businessman, visiting there, to death.

Even saints are not safe in UP where over 40 sadhu and saints have been killed,” he said.

Terming the governance in UP a complete failure”, Akhilesh said, “Common men are not heard. The BJP MLAs and MPs have to face the people’s opposition in their own areas.”

He said the Centre is on a privatisation spree and if everything will be privatised, there will be no need of implementing reservation.

On the Covid vaccination drive, he asked, “Why do the vaccination certificates not carry the photograph of the national flag?”

He said the government should withdraw three farm laws as it would help business houses take away farmers’ land.

“The farmers will teach a lesson to the BJP in the coming assembly polls,” he predicted.

(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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