AWS, MeitY Startup Hub collaborate to support growth of startups in India

Internet Services Pvt Ltd (AISPL) on Friday said it has inked an agreement with MeitY Startup Hub to promote technology innovation and the sustainable growth of start-ups in India.

AISPL undertakes the resale and marketing of Web Services (AWS) Cloud services in India.

As part of this new collaboration, MeitY Startup Hub and AWS will work together to identify start-ups with deep technology capabilities, and enable and empower them to build impactful solutions to address the biggest problems facing society in India, the statement said.

Through the AWS Startup Ramp programme, start-ups will gain access to AWS Credits, a community of experts, technical training and support covering cloud architecture, cost optimisation, security, and scalability readiness, it added.

MeitY Startup Hub will facilitate and organise government-backed innovation challenges to help start-ups focused on the public sector scale their solutions.

Additionally, the collaboration will mobilise startups, and the community of incubators and accelerators to curate and run startup acceleration programmes with AWS.

Initially, the collaboration will focus on start-ups addressing healthcare, agriculture, public safety, transportation, smart cities and citizen engagement.

“MeitY Startup Hub is excited to collaborate with AWS to help to further accelerate, scale, and build innovative solutions.

“Mentoring, technical expertise, cloud credits, skill enhancement programming, and other resources provided under this collaboration will be of significant value for start-ups,” MeitY Startup Hub CEO Jeet Vijay said.

Rahul Sharma, President (Public Sector) AISPL, AWS India and South Asia, said the combination of India’s scale, its thriving technology community, and public sector willingness to adopt new technologies to address challenges in society, is a great opportunity for start-ups to create impactful innovations.

“MeitY’s focused efforts supporting start-ups operating in social impact areas and building a collaborative innovation ecosystem is commendable, and we are proud to collaborate with the MeitY Startup Hub towards this goal,” he added.

(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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