BJP chief J P Nadda to meet UP party MPs to discuss poll preparedness

chief J.P. Nadda will meet party MPs from Uttar Pradesh to discuss preparedness for next year’s assembly polls. BJP’s Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha members from Uttar Pradesh will attend the meeting with the party chief.

It is learnt that Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath, BJP’s state unit chief Swatantra Dev Singh, state general secretary (organisation) Sunil Bansal and national vice-president and in-charge, Radha Mohan Singh and co-incharges will be present in the meeting. Deputy chief ministers Dinesh Sharma and Keshav Prasad Maurya might also attend the meeting.

Sources said that all the BJP’s parliamentarians from Uttar Pradesh are asked to attend the meeting which will be held in batches.

On July 28, Nadda will be meeting with MPs from western Uttar Pradesh, Braj and Kanpur region. On July 29, Nadda will interact with the party MPs from Awadh, Kashi and Gorakhpur area. There is no clarity whether Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Lok Sabha member from Varanasi, will attend the meeting or not.

A party insider said that a detailed discussion will be held to take stock of BJP’s preparedness for next year’s Uttar Pradesh. “Party chief will also take feedback from parliamentarians to know the ground reality and people’s mood. Based on the feedback, plans will be discussed to ensure BJP’s thumping victory in next year’s assembly polls,” he said.

Sources said the progress of ongoing party activities will be reviewed and plans to speed it up will be discussed. It is also learnt that the MPs will be asked to increase people’s participation in their constituencies and reach out to them as asked by the Prime Minister.

“Plans for increasing public participation and reaching out to people with the achievements of Narendra Modi and Adityanath government are likely to be discussed during Nadda’s two days meeting with party MPs from Uttar Pradesh,” a party functionary said.

Election for 403-member Uttar Pradesh Assembly will be held in February – March, next year.



(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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