Cong plans to accommodate some G-23 leaders in decision-making process

With the Gandhis engaging with G-23 leaders after their recent offensive in the wake of the party’s poll debacle, some of them may find a place in the decision-making process in the revamped Congress party in line with their demand for collective leadership.

Sources said some of these leaders may be accommodated in the Congress Working Committee or in a new body like the Parliamentary Board, which the G23 had suggested for taking all policy decisions including finalising chief ministerial candidates and tie-ups with like-minded parties in states.

The G23 is also reported to be seeking the ouster of some loyalists from key AICC positions and top on their target are AICC general secretary Organisation K C Venugopal, chief spokesperson and general secretary Ajay Maken. Sources said one or more may be shifted in order to placate the dissident group.

After the fresh offensive by the ‘Group of 23’, calling for collective leadership and strengthening the party, the sources said the Congress leadership is working on a resolution plan with these leaders.

Party sources said during Jawaharlal Nehru’s time, the Parliamentary Board was an important body of the Congress party and used to take key policy decisions.

The G23 leaders have also called for talks with like-minded parties to take on the BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha polls.

Parleys are on with some of the G23 leaders to work out an amicable solution and agree to some of their demands. While has met Ghulam Nabi Azad and discussed their demands, has also met former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda.

Sources said the Gandhis have also deputed some negotiators to talk to the G23 leaders and work out a solution amicably. Some more rounds of talks are likely in the next few days in this regard.

”While Hooda may be asked to lead the party’s charge in Haryana which goes to polls in 2024, some other leaders may be accommodated in the CWC or a new Parliamentary Board,” a source said.

Deliberations are already underway to hold another CWC meeting followed by a Chintan Shivir after the Budget session of Parliament, the sources said.

Organisational polls are already underway in the party to elect the new president and PCC chiefs.

(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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