JPMorgan urges teams to exercise caution, mask up if gathering

JPMorgan Chase & Co., stopping short of banning its Wall Street teams from holding year-end gatherings, urged employees to “exercise caution and good judgment” if meeting up and to get tested for Covid-19 before returning to work after the holidays.

“We strongly recommend postponing any events where mask wearing will be difficult, such as events centered on eating and drinking,” the largest U.S. bank told staff in a memo. “You should also use discretion when considering attending non-firm sponsored work-related events/holiday gatherings.”

The investment bank was more aggressive than many rivals earlier this year in urging employees to come back to Manhattan towers. While some Wall Street firms recently began telling employees to stay home through the end of the year amid rising coronavirus infection rates, JPMorgan said its offices will remain open and fully operational. Still individual teams may still make adjustments to their in-person staffing.

“Given the recent rise in Covid cases within the U.S., each group should assess who needs to come into the office, work priorities and who should revert to working from home on a more regular basis over the next few weeks,” the company told employees in the memo.

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