Opposition parties blame Centre for not doing enough to control oil prices

All parties have been running a campaign in states where they are in power, blaming the for not doing enough to control oil prices. Some have now criticised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for bringing this issue up during a meeting on Covid-19 for which the chief ministers were invited.

Shiv Sena leader Priyanka Chaturvedi tweeted: “Making a Covid meeting about politics! The central government has earned 26 lakh Cr (Rs 26 trillion) out of central excise on fuel, increased 18 times even when oil prices hit rock bottom. The GST share to states still owed, compensation component to state done away with & now pointing fingers.”

Congress’s Pawan Khera said charity begins at home. “He (Modi) earned Rs 26 trillion out of central excise on petrol and diesel. Has he shared it? You didn’t give GST share to states on time and then you ask states to further reduce VAT. He should reduce central excise and then ask others to reduce VAT.”

Former MP from Haryana, Congress leader Deepender Hooda said that Haryana (where the Bharatiya Janata Party is in power) has the highest VAT on petrol and diesel. “Fuel-prices are increased if price rises in international markets but when wheat prices increase internationally, farmers don’t get increased MSP on it,” he said.

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