Tata Power signs PPA with Apollo Gleneagles for solar carport in Kolkata

on Tuesday said it

has signed a power purchase agreement with Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals, Kolkata to commission a solar carport in the city.

This will be the biggest solar carport project in the country’s health sector, spreading over 40,000 sq feet, officials said.

With 335Kwp capacity, the project is expected to generate approximately 4.26 lakh units annually for the hospital, which is equivalent to about 4-5 per cent of the health facility’s power consumption, they said.

“The carport project is with our motto of doing our bit for the environment by reducing our carbon footprint estimated at 80,000 grams per annum,” Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals Group CEO (eastern region) Rana Dasgupta said.

The solar carport will have a capacity of keeping 125 -150 vehicles, he said.

The capital expenditure for the project will be borne by and the electricity will be sold to the hospital at an agreed price, officials said.

The hospital will buy entire power generated from the carport at Rs 6.5 per unit, which will be about 20-25 per cent lower than the grid electricity price, they said.

The project will also help get green building certification for Apollo, they said.

officials said the project requires a complex level of EPC (engineering, procurement construction) expertise and customised plan layout for which the company has created a team to efficiently assemble the structure.

Additionally, the technologies and ingenious planning by power producer will help smooth project execution expected to begin early October.

(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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