Viral image of goose flying upside down takes social media by storm

Photographer Vincent Cornelissen clicked the image of the goose flying near the Dutch town of Arnhem in the Netherlands

The image of the goose went viral. Image courtesy Vincent Cornelissen/Instagram

The image of a goose flying upside down has caused a commotion on Instagram and left people wondering how such a thing is possible.

Photographer Vincent Cornelissen clicked the image of the goose flying near the Dutch town of Arnhem in the Netherlands.

In the viral photo, the goose has its body upside down, with a twisted neck and head at 180 degrees to its normal position.

The photo caught everyone’s attention after Cornelissen shared it on his Facebook page for bird lovers. While speaking to ABC 12, Cornelissen said that this photo was taken earlier this year. Since being shared, it has sparked a heated debate as to why geese do this.

Check out the image here:

“I saw that one of the three had trouble flying in a straight line. He was having a hard time which I thought was because of the wind. He seemed to be struggling, so I took some pictures of him. It certainly does look odd, and some people are concerned that the image – which was taken earlier this year – shows that the goose is perhaps injured in some way,” Cornelissen told the channel.

Cornelissen further asserted that he received a message from a Dutchman who lives in Norway who claimed that he regularly sees geese doing this and there is a name for it which is called a ‘whiffling goose’.

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