Watch: Visually-impaired girl aces shot at basketball game, crowd screams with delight

In the video, Jules Hoogland, who is blind, is seen attempting a shot from a distance into the hoop. The girl lost her eyesight when she was three but her perseverance has never dampened her spirit.

A heart-touching video of a visually-impaired girl acing a shot at a basketball court, which has recently gone viral, is winning praise for all the right reasons. Posted by Zeeland Public Schools Unified Basketball, the clip is a reassurance to people about hope in humanity.

In the video, Jules Hoogland, who is blind, is seen attempting a shot from a distance into the hoop. The girl lost her eyesight when she was three but her perseverance has never dampened her spirit.

Zeeland East senior Ally Guffey, who assisted Hoogland on the court, is also seen standing behind her. Before Hoogland could take her shot, the packed auditorium of 2,500 people went pin-drop silent while classroom helper Cheryl Beute is seen slowly hitting the bottom of the board with a stick to signal the location of the hoop.

After a few taps on the board, the much-talented Hoogland made her shot that went straight away into the hoot. Following which, fans went wild, screaming and cheering for the girl.

“I was like, ‘Everyone’s staring at me but I can’t see them staring at me.’ So, this is good,” Hoogland told FOX 17.

Watch the video here:

Speaking about her assistance from Guffey, Hoogland stated that she (Guffey) is her eyes on the court. When she does not have her cane beside her, the Zeeland East senior guides her in the right direction.

Reports suggest that the duo became friends in middle school but have grown close off-the-court because of their involvement in the Unified Sports Program.

Interestingly, this team comprises students with as well as without disabilities. It was the team’s last game of the season when Hoogland attempted her final free throw in front of a massive crowd. The teen has successfully made her shot at every game this season.

Since going viral on Reddit and TikTok, the video has left people astonished by the 17-year-old’s abilities. The clip also caught the attention of a few NBA players, who have hit a like on it.

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