Amarinder to meet Amit Shah on Thursday to discuss farmers’ stir

Former Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh said he will meet Union Home Minister on Thursday to discuss possible solutions to the ongoing farmers’ stir against the Centre’s three farm laws.

Singh on Wednesday said he will be meeting Shah along with some agricultural experts.

Tomorrow I am going to meet Home Minister Shah and 25-30 people will go with me, he said while addressing the media here during which he also said that he is on the verge of launching a political party and would announce its launch as soon as the Election Commission of India approves its name and symbol.

I think I can help in finding a solution as I have been the chief minister of Punjab and am also an agriculturist, said Singh.

He said he had met the Union home minister thrice in the past on farmers’ issues.

While there could be no pre-decided formula for the resolution of farmers’ stir, something will emerge during the talks as both sides the Central government as well as farmers — want a resolution to the crisis triggered by the farm laws, he said.

He made it clear that he had not met any farmer leaders over the issue.

Singh said he had deliberately not interfered in the matter as the farmers did not want politicians to be involved in it.

The farmer leaders had four inconclusive meetings with the Centre but backchannel talks have been going on, he added.

Singh had earlier also met Shah in Delhi and had discussed the prolonged farmers’ stir with him while urging him to resolve the crisis urgently with the repeal of the three farm laws.

Singh had said any seat arrangement that he might make with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) would be subject to a resolution of the farmers’ issue in their interest.

A large number of farmers, mostly from Punjab, Haryana and UP, have been camping at the Delhi borders since November 26 last year, demanding the repeal of the three new farm laws.

(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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