CPI’s Raja writes to PM, requests roll back of decision to privatise NALCO

general secretary has written to Prime Minister requesting him to roll back the government’s decision to privatise aluminium major

In his letter, Raja said that there is widespread resentment among the workers to the move.

“We request you to roll back your government’s move to privatise the Aluminium Company Ltd (NALCO). We vehemently oppose the disastrous plan of your government to implement 100 per cent strategic disinvestment in the Aluminium Company Ltd by way of privatisation,” he said.

Raja said NALCO, which was established in 1981, is a Navaratna company under the Ministry of Mines and has been the top most Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE), producing and exporting high quality alumina and aluminium for the last 40 years.

“I want to draw your attention to the fact that there is widespread resentment among the people and workers in particular to the anti-worker and anti-people move,” he said.

It is also a fact that NALCO, since its inception, has been making profits and continues to have a consistent track record in production, productivity, technology upgradation, Raja said.

is the highest foreign exchange earner CPSE in the country. It has been giving sizable share of dividends to and state exchequers as well as to the shareholders, he said.

In the light of these, “I request you to reconsider the move in the best interests of the country, workers and people. Hope you will take positive steps in this regard”, Raja said in his letter to the prime minister.

(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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