Letter was written with best interest of party in our hearts: Anand Sharma

Senior leader Anand Shrama, one of the 23 signatories to the letter written to Sonia Gandhi seeking an organisational overhaul, said on Tuesday their intention was to convey “shared concerns” over the present environment in the county and it was done with the best interest of the party in their hearts.

A day after a stormy Working Committee meeting, where members of the ‘group of 23’ were dissed by many for voicing their concerns, several signatories asserted that they were “not dissenters” but “proponents of revival” of the party.

Responding to a tweet by MP Vivek Tankha, in which he had said the letter was not a challenge to leadership but a parchment of action to strengthen the party, Sharma said, “Well said. The letter was written with the best interest of the party in our hearts and conveying shared concerns over the present environment in the country and sustained assault on the foundational values of the constitution.”

Having a “full time, active and visible” leadership, devolution of powers to state units and revamping the CWC in line with the party constitution were some of the key suggestions made by the 23 senior Congress leaders, in the letter sent to Sonia Gandhi, to revive the organisation.

(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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