Redmi India partners Jio for conducting 5G trials for Redmi Note 11T 5G

India, a sub-brand of Xiaomi India, on Monday said it has joined hands with to conduct 5G trials for its upcoming Note 11T 5G smartphone.

To verify the capability and performance of their upcoming device, the two conducted a 5G standalone lab trial, and tested the device through various scenarios, thereby ensuring enhanced 5G end-user experiences, according to a statement.

The upcoming addition to the Note series, Note 11T 5G was utilised for rigorous lab trials where it achieved stellar results by attaining a high downloading speed, it said adding that with support for seven bands, the device offers improved performance to the users.

“We were one of the first in India to put a 4G smartphone into the hands of our consumers with the launch of the Redmi Note 4, back in 2017.

“As the 5G era arrives, we are working relentlessly towards bringing feature-packed smartphones that can enhance the overall user experience,” Xiaomi India Chief Operating Officer Muralikrishnan B said.

He added that the partnership with for the Redmi Note 11T 5G is an endeavour of democratising technology by making it easier for customers to get access to 5G smartphones that are future-ready.

“Our latest trial with is an indication of the development of the 5G ecosystem in India and the encouraging outcome highlights the true potential of the device and brings a high-quality 5G experience closer to reality,” he said.

Being one of the first devices under the Note Series having access to seven bands, Redmi India is focused on providing users with a smoother, efficient, and powerful connection experience after 5G deployment at scale in India.

Redmi Note 11T 5G will launch in India on November 30, 2021.

(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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